Center for Global Health Policy and Politics

Global Health Policy & Politics

Working at the intersection of global health, law, and social science to understand the political determinants of health and support the creation of legal and policy environments that stop pandemics, expand access to new health technologies, address women’s and sexual health, tackle inequality, and save lives.

A unique cross-campus collaboration
O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law
Georgetown University School of Health

The Center is housed across Georgetown’s Law and Health centers, in recognition that addressing today’s major health challenges–from policy on women’s health and pandemic response to health equity and health system accountability–require a multi-disciplinary approach.
O’Neill Institute > | School of Health >

Featured Work

G20 Pandemics & Inequality

Working with the Brazilian presidency’s Health Working Group, we convened high level leaders from academia and government at the G20 Health & Finance Ministerial to address the inequality-pandemics cycle.

Health Worker Rights & Protections

Together with the World Health Organization we are releasing the first ever global assessment of the legal environment for health and care workers.

Women’s Health + SRHR

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health is leading work at the intersection of women’s health, sexual health, and human rights.

Research on law and policy

We track and analyze laws and policies worldwide as powerful tools to promote or undermine health equity.

Political analysis

We study the political forces that determine health outcomes and help public health leaders build policies to work in real-world political contexts.

Convene on science, access & equity

We bring together politicians, health officials, activists, scientists, and others to expand ambition in global health. 

Accountability for health

We work in solidarity with individuals and groups to study and improve transparency, responsiveness, and the role of civil society.